Where Imagination Takes Me

A blank canvas, or in this case a blank sculpture, is always something interesting to work with. Very often, I take the piece I’m given and allow my imagination to roam and take flight.ttxs (1)ttxs (3)With a sculpture, there are some “pre-fixed settings” like its body language, his pudgy stomach, and the size. Of course, there is a choice of completely dissecting it or working with it. This time round, I guess I’m more inspired to work with it.

This is a 天天向上 Tian Tian Xiang Shang (TTXS) figurine. This TTXS concept alone allows for a million interpretation and symbolism. For me, I saw the infinite possibilities of dreams in the entire galaxy, and this galaxy resides in this TTXS boy. The golden specks for stars, the beautiful merging of the colours of the skies and the clouds and all those dreams coming from one vital point, the heart.

ttxs (2)ttxs (4)In case you’re wondering what this is for, the TTXS Exhibition is now in Singapore, at Raffles City, 28 July – 21 August 2017.

This TTXS Creative Collaboration Program and Exhibition focuses on bringing together multi-sector individuals with the arts, to promote a unique conversation or dialogue, an exchange and sharing of ideas and experiences through Art as a platform.

So if you’re interested to see the real deal (for my TTXS figurine), head on down to Raffles City. You’ll get to see probably another hundred of these sculptures there, uniquely designed and interpreted in many different ways.

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Life is art. Paint your dreams.